
Top Tier Litigation Lawyers in L.A.

Litigation cases often stem from unfriendly neighbors and misunderstandings when you’re out in public. However, these trials are often anything but straightforward.
Personal litigation cases have several steps, from discovering if there is even enough evidence to support a lawsuit and finding out if others got injured in the process. Once we’ve interviewed witnesses and taken statements, it’s time to select a jury and move to trial.
Many litigation cases wind up going to settlement, where you’ll need our expertise to get you what you deserve. Or, if it does go to trial, we’ll get prepared to appeal should the court not side with you.
Personal litigation requires skill, dedication, and passion, and we remain your best choice for any case. Choose us for your litigation needs today.
We make child’s play out of complex litigation. Whether you have been wronged and seeking those who wronged you to be held accountable, or if you are being sued, we can help. We are gladiators in suits. We are aggressive and we will litigate aggressively to enforce and protect your rights.
We are Richie Litigation. Please contact us here.

“Law without justice is a wound without a cure.” – William Scott Downey

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